Dehy Cleaning and
Glycol Regeneration

Maximize the quality, efficiency, and reliability of your processing systems.

Efficiency Meets

We offer an innovative portable glycol regeneration system that completes on-site glycol regeneration for natural gas processing. Our process is competed on-line, allowing continuous operation without requiring the dehydration unit to shut down. This approach provides unmatched convenience, substantial cost savings, and enhanced efficiency for our clients.

Dirty, contaminated glycol can lead to costly problems, including increased corrosion, foaming, higher operational costs, shortened equipment lifespan, and reduced efficiency.

Our Dehy cleaning service offers a robust solution to these challenges.

The Ecomax dehy regeneration process removes contaminants like salts, organic acids, iron sulfides, hydrocarbons, and sediment flake from the glycol, restoring its effectiveness in absorbing moisture from gas. By cleaning the glycol on-site and in real-time, our portable system reduces the risk of corrosion and foaming, lowers energy costs associated with glycol regeneration and ensures the glycol can be reused, making the process more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Additionally, it extends the lifespan of equipment and enhances overall system efficiency, all without disrupting ongoing operations.

Reduce Hazardous Waste

Our online regeneration system removes unwanted contaminants from glycol to ensure efficient and continuous dehydrator operation.

Enhanced Performance

Maintain the integrity and efficiency of your dehydration systems. Ensure smoother, more reliable functioning of the dehydrator, reducing maintenance needs and minimizing disruptions.

Environmentally Friendly Alternative

We use advanced technology to minimize waste and emissions during the regeneration process, promoting sustainable operations.

Avoid downtime

Our innovative technology regenerates glycol and cleans the system simultaneously, all while operating online without any interruptions.

Cost Comparison Between a Dehy Dump, Flush & Replace versus Ecomax Online Regeneration

Regeneration Process

Ecomax’s glycol regeneration process uses a patented vacuum distillation purification method.  This process lowers the boiling point of Triethylene Glycol (TEG) from its normal 288°C. Since degradation of TEG begins at 206°C, Ecomax’s system operates under a vacuum, which brings the effective boiling point down to below 195°C to prevent the glycol from degrading. The vacuum draws the vaporized glycol into condenser pipes where it cools and condenses back to a clear colourless liquid with a purity above 99.0%.

Real-Time Regeneration

Samples were taken from the bottom of the dehy accumulator over a three-day period. The system was regenerated on-line via a side-stream slip process, and samples were collected at 24-hour intervals. The starting sample was a viscous liquid, containing severe hydrocarbon and sediment flake. The final system glycol was clear, with no visible hydrocarbon or sediment flake. The total volume of glycol in the system was approximately 1900 litres.

Our state-of-the-art portable glycol regeneration system is engineered for maximum efficiency and performance.

The most crucial component of any TEG Dehydrator is the glycol itself, yet it is often overlooked and neglected. Glycol is the lifeblood of the dehydrator and when it becomes dirty a variety of operational issues may arise, including high dew points, glycol foaming and loss, increase in pump failures, excessive filter and maintenance costs, equipment failures and unscheduled shutdowns may be experienced. These issues may be eliminated with proper glycol care and preventative maintenance.

Ecomax’s on-line glycol regeneration system keeps systems clean, it removes unwanted contaminants from the glycol and flushes the dehydrators internals to ensure efficient and continuous dehydrator operation.


Ready to experience the Ecomax difference?

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our portable glycol regeneration service and how we can help optimize your natural gas processing operations.


1451 Highway Avenue SE,
Redcliff, Alberta
T0J 2P0